Pro Tools Shortcuts

Hi! Are you new to Pro Tools ( or are tired of taking the long way around the program? Well your in luck! I have created three short videos showing you some ways in which you can save time looking for features within the DAW and spend more time on your actual work. Find the links below or at my YouTube channel at

Pro Tools Shortcuts Pt. 1

Pro Tools Shortcuts Pt. 2

Pro Tools Shortcuts Pt. 3

Throughout my endeavour through Youtube and Google I have found one thing in common. This would be that there are many videos explaining the different shortcuts of Pro Tools and what they do. However, they all have the same core issues. This would be that they are normally drab and very long. This therefore made me come up with the idea of making micro content for this subject.

So, what is micro content? Micro content is exactly what it says on the tin. Small content. Websites have been built on such concepts for example; Vine (RIP) and Tik Tok. They make their users create short videos which makes people get to the point that they are trying to make whether this be educational or comedic. Also, as we are in the internet age, peoples attention span has become smaller and smaller meaning that people don’t wish to sit through a long video. They instead want to search for shorter videos that offers the same information but in a shorter amount of time.

The video below is also a tutorial on shortcuts within Pro Tools however it is fourteen minutes long and will put many people off from viewing it due to this. It has a lot of information within it what people will want to use however the people want the information much quicker and easier in which the video is offering and is the basis in which I created my micro content.

I saw that there was a demand therefore to create fun and short videos in which bring some form of humour to the video but actually shows different shortcuts within Pro Tools itself. So, instead of people having to watch a fifteen minute video to route out specific shortcuts that they may find useful, they are now able to watch a twenty second video in which will give them the same information.

For anyone reading this that may be out of the know, these short videos were created for my MSc Audio Production course to create micro content. The video was simply produced by using Quicktime screen record and Pro Tools. When reading the assessment sheet a bullet point stated; “You should use mobile phones/devices to capture the footage”. As you would have seen there is no such footage with a mobile phone. The reasoning for this is that I didn’t think it added anything to the videos in which I created and as you would have seen in the video added above, there was a face cam added to it. This didn’t give any extra information or content to the video that would have been of interest to the viewer and potentially blocked things from the screen in which people may want to have seen.

Also, myself being the literal person that I am, I saw “should” as recommended rather than need to which to my own detriment, may cause an issue with my mark for this part of the assessment. Hopefully this isn’t the case but if it is then so be it, I shouldn’t be so difficult with this sort of thing (sorry to bring the mood down there, haha). Anyway, that’s enough of me rambling. In any case, enjoy the videos and hopefully you get some good shortcuts out of these videos and will enhance your skills within Pro Tools.

References (2019). YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2019].

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