About Me

Hi, welcome to my blog. If you enjoy the discussion of audio and film then you have come to the right place. My name is Thomas Murray but better known as Tom. I am currently a postgraduate at the University of Salford for Audio Production. I have worked with bands on their EP’s and I also just have a general love for all audio, music and film.

I have always been around music in some form. From my earliest memories, I would be listening to the radio or a CD would be playing. This has become a normal environment to me. A room without some kind of music playing in the background is alien. I have been brought up on many genres of music, the main one was 80’s pop music. My mum normally had control of the music within the house and therefore would play the music she would listen to from her teens in the 1980’s. Due to this, I now get nostalgia for music in which was created when I hadn’t even been born yet!  

In my earlier teens, friends of mine introduced me to a completely different style of music, Rap. Once I heard the Eminem Show I was hooked. I was consumed by the style of the music, the lyrics and the aggression that wasn’t present in 80’s pop. When ever I had some type of disposable income I would go out and buy CD’s within the Rap genre such as Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Biggie Smalls and Tupac and listen to these albums on repeat all day, everyday.

A few years later, I started hanging around with a different group of friends, all of which listened to a different genre of music. This would be Rock (and Metal). I had a very similar moment to when I heard Rap. I put all of my old CD’s in a box, threw them in a corner and replaced them with bands that my friends would recommend. I even made me make the commitment of learning to play guitar which I still do to this day. I have played for bands as the guitarist and has been some of my best memories. 

As I have always been fascinated by music but also the arts. I have been fascinated the way that such things as music and film are created. I have watched countless films and listened to even more albums and tried to dissect them and see what the artist or directer wanted to portray. This is why I decided to study a BSc and MSc in Audio Production. Although the course states just Audio, you also learn about video which is the perfect thing for me to be apart of and is something that I have immersed myself within. 

I will be blogging about many topics within the audio and film field and will be left an open forum for all readers to interact with. This will include some technical talk as well as some light hearted reading within the same blog posts. Whether you agree or disagree with anything discussed, get involved and comment to discuss your point of view!  
